Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Letter to Attorney Arabasz 11/2/12

Law Office of Raymond Arabasz
884 South Street
Bridgewater, Ma 02324
Fax – 508-697-3811

Dear Attorney Arabasz,                                                                                  November 2, 2012
            RE: Bonetzky-Joseph v Joseph
            Docket No: PL06 D0566-DV1

I faxed you a letter on Wednesday, October 31st  at approximately 9:30am regarding my repeated ongoing problems with calling my children with the hopes you would assist in resolving the problems at hand. 
I still am not able to speak with my children as scheduled on Wednesdays at 7pm.  I, once again, attempted to call my children at 7pm last night. I was happily anticipating full cooperation so the children can finally begin to rebuild their relationship with their mother. 

However, once again, my call was blocked from both numbers supplied by your office which makes it impossible to even leave a message for my children so they know I called. Please  explain, as Mr. Joseph’s attorney, why your client and his wife would give a number to call the children and block it. I cannot understand why these drastic actions have occurred and I am puzzled and deeply concerned for my children’s welfare.

I am perplexed by the lack of communication in this manner and the long term mental health consequences on the children going this long with no contact with their mother despite my repeated attempts. I also have not received any correspondence from your office since your letter noting any problems.

As a result, I would like an alternative number to call my children that will be unhampered and unblocked. I am frustrated at why your client and his wife continue to conduct themselves in this manner and very disheartened by their acts as this must be very emotionally difficult for the children.  All I want to do is to be able to speak to my children.  If there is a problem with my calls being blocked by your client, then please have the children call me at 7pm on Wednesdays. I will ensure I will be available to receive these calls with an acknowledgement by you in writing as to this solution.  I am trying my best to find solutions to this problem and have just offered you two alternatives to resolve these issues in an amicable way that I outlined. I implore you to encourage your client to comply with the 7pm Wednesday calls.

In spirit of full cooperation and best interest of the children, I would like to try again to call my children this evening at 7pm since my call on Wednesday was blocked by Mr. Joseph and his wife. 

Finally, as previously stated, I do not have my own fax line. As a result, you nor anyone connected to you or this case, do NOT have permission to communicate in any format through this fax number. Any attempt to do so, will be construed as harassment. If I can use an alternate fax so mutual correspondence can occur, I will let you know. I apologize for this obstacle. 

Once again, I hope with your assistance in this matter, these challenges can be finally resolved once and for all.  After all, the children are what are important.  I pray with your assistance to rectifying this matter, I am able to finally connect with my children this evening since I have been unable to do so for some time now.  Thank you for your anticipated help in this matter.

With much gratitude,

Laura Bonetzky-Joseph
(address omitted)

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